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This book covers the Tax Treaties which The People’s Republic of China has signed with various nations of the European Region. This book is a collection of the treaties, supplementary materials, and selected implementing circulars. It is edited and ordered according to geographical/economic criteria and accompanied with integrated with tables, domestic tax systems reports, and accompanying circulars and treaty model texts.
News RsA asia
Hardcover, 484 pages
ISBN 978-981-19-3562-6
China-Europe Tax Treaties
Lorenzo Riccardi , Giorgio Riccardi

The global economy is shifting from the West to the East, with the increasing importance of the countries in the APAC region, as China and the ASEAN countries. The contribution from this region to the global GDP is increasing and is currently accounting more than 1/3 of the total world output.

Lorenzo Riccardi I Managing Partner I RsA asia tax advisors

Lorenzo gives regularly seminars, speechs and lectures on international taxation, business negotiations, M&A transactions, individual and corporate tax planning and investments.
Lorenzo has published extensively on business and tax law and foreign investments in Asia in different languages with important professional publishers.
Lorenzo is a columnist of Corriere Asia, Fiscalità Estera, Fisco e Tasse, Economy, IlSole24Ore, China Law and Practice, with articles on business and tax law in Asia.
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